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Studying to gain skills, while advancing careers

Learn the right skills and get a head-start in your chosen field with a Work-Study Programme at Temasek Polytechnic.

Putting in her best effort – and getting a knowledge boost from the WSP – helped Ms Ho, 24, to go full-time at BioMedix Singapore, a distributor of medical devices and laboratory equipment.

The operation executive started working there as an associate engineer three years ago as part of her WSP Specialist Diploma in Biomedical Engineering & Services, jointly awarded by TP and the Singapore University of Social Sciences.

“I secured my role by putting in my best performance, both in school and at work,” she said, adding that she also applied her learning from the WSP to on-the-job challenges and shared knowledge with her colleagues.

Ms Ho’s WSP Final Year Project (FYP) was instrumental in giving her the skills needed to thrive in her current role: “The FYP taught me a lot about problem-solving using different techniques that I can apply in work and life. I have also picked up new skills that were not taught in my polytechnic days, such as common biomedical instrumentation and engineering practices.”

In addition to her specialist diploma, Ms Ho holds a Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, specialising in biomedical engineering. Her desire to learn more about the latter prompted her to take up the WSP immediately after completing her diploma in 2019. She graduated from the WSP last year.

While she found juggling her career, academic life and personal priorities difficult at first, she soon learnt to allot her time depending on the day’s needs. She also had the support of TP’s WSP trainers, who were understanding of the programme participants’ hectic schedules.

“TP’s trainers were very helpful in providing the knowledge I needed to equip myself in the working world,” said Ms Ho. “I hope that in the future, I, too, will be able to influence new batches of graduates and help them in pursuing their dream careers.”

Learn more about the Work-Study Programme at Temasek Polytechnic.

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