Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Homesingapore#trending: Man rushes to help elderly woman cross street while 'green man'...

#trending: Man rushes to help elderly woman cross street while 'green man' blinks, earns praise from netizens

SINGAPORE — A display of selflessness from a man who stood out from the crowd by rushing to assist an elderly woman having difficulty crossing the road has received an outpouring of praise from netizens. 

One TikTok user wrote: “Thumbs up for the kind-hearted man! Remember (that) one day we will all grow old.”

“Actions speak louder than words! Very thoughtful gentleman and a word of thanks wherever you are,” wrote another. 

Others chose to chastise the other pedestrians who seemed to ignore the elderly woman’s predicament. 

One user, whose comment received more than 1,782 likes, wrote: “Kudos to that one gentleman that helped. Why are the rest not helping?”

Another generalised: “Sums up our world. Everyone only cares about themselves but only a few people like this gentleman will help those in need.”

Many users were also incensed by the disregard for the pair’s situation from drivers, particularly highlighting the driver who had honked. 

“Help la. Only know how to honk. Good job. Thank you to this kind-hearted man,” wrote one user, punctuating their comment with several thumbs-ups. 

Another responded to a comment deriding the honking driver, writing: “Agree, there are so many impatient drivers. Wait for a few seconds also cannot. They got a car to move around fast but can’t tolerate waiting for few seconds.”

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