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HomevoicesIs MP Tin Pei Ling’s role-switch at Grab a ‘non-issue’? TODAY readers...

Is MP Tin Pei Ling’s role-switch at Grab a ‘non-issue’? TODAY readers weigh in

Member of Parliament (MP) Tin Pei Ling’s abrupt role-switch at ride-hailing firm Grab was hotly discussed by TODAY readers last week.

“I am glad our MPs, opposition or otherwise, are employed in top positions. It means we have brains running the government. MARGARET CHONG

“At least the job went to a true Singaporean. Why complain?” ROCK RAJA

“Having this ‘understanding’ of the ruling party and being able to build a rapport with government agencies would be her strengths as both a party member and an MP… So, it would be a pity to take her out of her initial role at Grab. As for the so-called conflict of interest, that’s pretty straw man as she has no influence on government policies since she is not or was a Cabinet minister. It is a pity that she lost that role out of misguided optics.” ANDREW FANN


“This is not a good look. It appears that Grab just wanted her in their company and she was not hired for a specific role.” JAMES LIM

“When one’s new job role can be changed so quickly and easily, it becomes very obvious the person was not hired to do that original role, nor was it for the amended role. Instead, (she) was hired for a different reason or agenda.” DERICK CHOO

“Thanks for indirectly admitting that there WAS actually some conflict of interest in that role. Thanks to all those who stood up and questioned to keep things fair.” MANI DAN

“The issue is her job scope in Grab was about public affairs, a.k.a. dealing with the Government. Had she been hired by Grab to work in operations, none of this debate would arise… Her performance in her ward has nothing to do with this. People are not cyber bullying. I think it’s right to ask about conflict of interest.” RACHEL CHUA


“How much time is she planning to serve her residents taking up a private sector job?” CL CHEONG

“Which is your priority now? MP role or your private job?” ROGER TAN

“Who will she serve? The one who pays her salary or the state who pays her (MP) allowance?” 杜耀光

These comments were first posted on TODAY’s Facebook page. They have been edited for clarity, accuracy and length. If you have views on this issue or a news topic you care about, send a letter to voices [at] mediacorp.com.sg with your full name, address and phone number.

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